Virtual Clay in the Real World
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11/5 Update – ClayAR v0.006SE2 now *finally* with pen pressure support! Click on the paint icon to toggle build menu, click the B-temp button to toggle expanded view. Select push or pull (currently, the blank buttons). See the strength slider wobble as you sculpt with varying strengths!

11/3 Update – ClayAR v0.006SE with (some) icon’s NOW available for download

N.B. Old users, the mode icons show on the current mode (not the other way around). Save is only enabled when you authorize your device (for the folks who don’t want me tracking their devices.)

So, this old nearly-abandoned project is brought back to life(-ish) again thanks to HTC! It’s been really exciting to see how precision “touch” mesh manipulation is possible through a smaller touch point from a stylus!

Note: this is a prerelease available for temp download. Working on the final version’s icons and screen size considerations.

Beyond sculpting… this version includes mesh painting! And fun global operations.

  • Edit Mode – pinch in/out to change brush size
    • Paint mode options let you choose colors to paint!
    • Sculpt mode options (coming soon) show different ways to sculpt the clay!
    • Toggle between these modes…
  • View Mode – pinch in/out to zoom the mesh
    Global Manipulations – Select an option, then use the slider to select strength of manipulation

    1. Stretch in X Y Z directions
    2. Quadrify
    3. Twist

New way to rotate the clay: two-finger twist, with thumb stationary, and index finger rotating.

Note – the ICONS are UGLY (for now)

With HTC Pen Support (a defunc menu shows up when you press the bottom button of the HTC Scribe Pen)!

ClayAR will be part of a session at the annual Augmented Reality Event, held at the Santa Clara Convention Center on May 17 to 18, 2011… More details posted soon! — as well as a v005 (yes, I’ve been keeping versions from you… busy, forgot to post, etc.)

And… ClayAR did not win the Qualcomm AR Challenge. (Duh, it’s niche, even though this particular crazy developer-scientist believes it’s the start to a new world order where anyone can create their stuff anywhere and then 3d print it on the spot, to take it into real life.)

But, some really neat apps made it through the contest. Here is Qualcomm’s AR Contest Compilation video.

I’m still zinging from one-too-many Cosmo’s from the #RSAC parties attending incognito under my YC alias. There’s supposed to be that “oh, no, there goes another contest,” but I just have this wow feeling at the winning apps. Paulius’ Paparazzi makes me totally ROFL – such a riot!! <3

ClayAR is briefly demo’d at 1:40 of the “Compilation video.”

And, on the future of ClayAR… Dunno. Stay tuned!

ClayAR shows up briefly in the last few seconds of the Qualcomm AR Developer Challenge Video (1:10). Hooray for my humble ClayAR!

Protected: I spy… the first ClayAR users (other than myself)

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